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Call 281-335-1111 option 2 to schedule an appointment for any location
                 Please specify which location when scheduling

Clear Lake Main Campus                       Bellaire Campus

1045 Gemini Ste 100                                6002 Rogerdale Rd

Houston , Tx 77058                                  Suite 175

Tel: 281-335-1111                                   Houston, Tx 77072


Physical Therapy                                     Kingwood Campus

Tel: 281-598-8360                                    22999 Hwy 59 Bldg B

Fax: 281-286-3218                                   West Tower #201

                                                                      Kingwood, Texas 77339

    Dr. Higgs Orthovisc or Synvisc only please call 832-224-9427

Holt fax 832-240-4554
Higgs fax: 888-979-9481
Mathew fax: 888-743-5510
Weinberg fax: 888-832-4319
Juarez fax: 888-847-9457
Jones fax: 832-413-5805
Referrals fax: 281-605-1934
DME fax: 281-605-5141
Billing fax: 281-286-9250

Click on the red pin closest to your location then click "directions"
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